Patrick Favre, PhD
Scientific publications
2024 P. Favre, E. Van Schaik, M. Schorderet, F. Yerly, D. Reinhardt. Regulation of tissue growth in plants – A mathematical modeling study on shade avoidance response in Arabidopsis hypocotyls. Frontiers in Plant Science 15, 1285655.
2015 C. Feller, P. Favre, A. Janka, S. Zeeman, J.-P. Gabriel, D. Reinhardt. Mathematical Modeling of the Dynamics of Shoot-Root Interactions and Resource Partitioning in Plant Growth. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0127905. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0127905.
2015 M. Garbez, G. Galopin G, M. Sigogne, P. Favre, S. Demotes-Mainard, R. Symoneaux. Labeled sorting task as a preliminary tool for a sensory profile: A feasibility study on the visual aspect of rotating virtual rose bushes. Food Quality and Preference. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2014.06.008 (available online).
2014 P. Favre, L. Bapaume, E. Bossolini, M. Delorenzo, L. Falquet, and D. Reinhardt. A novel bioinformatics pipeline to discover genes related to arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis based on their evolutionary conservation pattern among higher plants. BMC Plant Biology 2014, 14:333 doi:10.1186/s12870-014-0333-0.
2011 P. Favre, H. Greppin, R. Degli Agosti. Accession-dependent action potentials in Arabidopsis, Journal of Plant Physiology 168: 653–660.
2010 F. Breuilli, J. Schramm, M. Hajirezaei, A. Ahkami, P. Favre, U. Druege, B. Hause, M. Bucher, T. Kretzschmar, E. Bossolini, C. Kuhlemeier, E. Martinoia, P. Franken, U. Scholz, D. Reinhardt. Phosphate systemically inhibits development of arbuscular mycorrhiza in Petunia hybrida and represses genes involved in mycorrhizal functioning. The Plant Journal 64(6), 1002-1017.
2009 S. Demotes-Mainard, G. Guéritaine, R. Boumaza, P. Favre, V. Guérin, L. Huché-Thélier, B. Andrieu. "Coordinated Development of the Architecture of the Primary Shoot in Bush Rose," Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications (PMA), 2009 Third International Symposium on , vol., no., pp.214-221, 9-13 Nov. 2009 doi: 10.1109/PMA.2009.44
2007 P. Favre, R. Degli Agosti. Voltage-dependent action potentials in Arabidopsis thaliana. Physiol. Plant. 131: 263-272.
2004 P. Favre. "Potentiels d'action et bioélectrogenèses induits chez Arabidopsis thaliana L. et d'autres plantes". – Signaux bioélectrique chez les végétaux - Thèse n°3547. Université de Genève.
2001 P. Favre, T. Zawadzki, A. Dzubinska, K. Trebacz, H. Greppin & R. Degli Agosti. Repetitive action potentials induced with a single stimulus in the liverwort Conocephalum conicum (L.). Endocytobiosis & Cell Res. 14: 23-32.
2001 P. Favre, H. Greppin, R. Degli Agosti. Repetitive action potentials induced in Arabidopsis thaliana leaf by wounding and potassium chloride application. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 39(11): pp: 961-969.
2001 L. Jouve, P. Favre, T. Gaspar, H. Greppin & R. Degli Agosti. 2001. IAA involvement in dynamic of Arabidopsis floral stem growth. BPTCG Journal
2000 R. Degli Agosti, L. Jouve, P. Favre, H. Greppin. 2000. Non-invasive whole plant physiology in Arabidopsis. In: H. Greppin et al. (eds.), Integrated plant systems, University of Geneva Press, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 55-77.
1999 P. Favre, T. Zawadzki, A. Dziubinska, K. Trebacz, H. Greppin, R. Degli Agosti. Repetitive action potentials induced in the liverwort Conocephalum conicum. Archs Sci. Genève 52: 187-198.
1999 P. Favre, E. Król, M. Stolarz, .I. Szarek, H. Greppin, K. Trebacz, R. Degli Agosti. Action potentials elicited in the liverwort Conocephalum conicum (Hepaticae) with different stimuli. Archs Sci. Genève 52: 175-185.
1998 P. Favre, O. Guinnard, L. Jouve, H. Greppin, R. Degli Agosti. Computer-assisted measurement of variation potentials and electrical feedback excitations in Arabidopsis plants. Saussurea 29: 65-75.
1998 H. Greppin, E. Wagner, R. Degli Agosti, P. Favre. Activité électrique et floraison. Archives des Sciences 52: 29-40.
1997 P. Favre. Peroxidase on the W3 cyberworld. Plant Peroxidase 9 : 21-24
2017 P. Favre, L. A. Laurent-Applegate, W. Raffoul*, Y. A. Que. Skin microbiome of human burn wounds: a model to explore bacterial interactions and impact of treatments. 3rd International Conference on Systems Biology, September 4-7, 2017.
2012 P. Favre, D. Reinhardt. C. Feller, A. Janka, F. Yerly, J.-P. Gabriel, C. Mazza. Physiological based modeling of Arabidopsis hypocotyl growth under different light conditions. SPSW/SystemsX Summer School Muerren (Switzerland), June 21-23, 2012.
2011 P. Favre, D. Reinhardt. C. Feller, A. Janka, F. Yerly, J.-P. Gabriel, C. Mazza, S. Lorrain, C. Fankhauser, M. Hersch, T. Hohm, S. Bergmann, G. Mosca, A.-L. Routier, R. Smith, C. Kuhlemeier. Arabidopsis hypocotyl growth modelling under different light conditions. First International Conference on Systems Biology, Basel (Switzerland) , October 24th-26th, 2011
2010 P. Favre, C. Feller, J.-P. Gabriel, A. Janka, D. Reinhardt. Summer School in Computational Biology, Split (Croatia).August 17-24, 2010.
2010 C. Feller, P. Favre, A. Janka, S. Zeeman, J.-P. Gabriel, D. Reinhardt. Summer School in Computational Biology, Split (Croatia).August 17-24, 2010.
2010 C. Feller, A. Janka, J.-P. Gabriel, P. Favre, D. Reinhardt, S. Zeeman. Plant growth regulation model Colloque Numerique Suisse / Schweizer Numerik Kolloquium, April 16, 2010.
2010 S. Demotes-Mainard, G. Guéritaine, R. Boumaza, P. Favre, V. Guérin, L. Huché-Thélier, B. Andrieu. Coordinated Development of the Architecture of the Primary Shoot in Bush Rose. Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization and Applications. PMA09 Proceedings.
2010 G. Guéritaine, B. Andrieu, R. Boumaza, P. Favre, V. Guérin, L. Huché-Thélier, and S. Demotes-Mainard. Co-ordination of leaflet and internode extension and the foliar pattern in rose bush primary shoots. Annals of Botany (submitted).
2009 G. Galopin, Ph. Morel, Y. Caraglio, N. Dones, P. Favre, H. Sinoquet. Quantitative approach to the architectural analysis of a ligneous bush, Rosa hybrida Toward a determination of the architectural unit (submitted).
2007 G. Guéritaine, P. Favre, B. Andrieu, R. Boumaza, S. Demotes, C. Fournier, G. Galopin, L. Huché-Thélier, P. Morel, V. Guérin . Growth and architectural development of the rosebush according to thermal time. Workshop on Growth Phenotyping and Imaging in Plants, 17-19 July 2007 – Montpellier France.
2002 P. Favre, H. Greppin et Robert Degli Agosti. A mathematical function fits the light/dark-induced bioelectrogenesis in plants. 13ème congrès de la fédération des sociétés européennes de la physiologie des plantes (FESPP). Héraklion (Grèce). pp 432.
2001 P. Favre, Hubert Greppin et Robert Degli Agosti.. Propagation of repetitive action potentials in the leaf of Arabidopsis thaliana: fast electrochemical waves. 14ème Colloque Biotechnocentre. Seillac (France).
2001 P. Favre, Hubert Greppin et Robert Degli Agosti. Repetitive action potentials induced in Arabidopsis thaliana C24. 12ème Conférence internationale sur la recherche d'Arabidopsis. University of Wisconsin-Madison, 380 (Etat-Unis).
2000 P. Favre, Benoit Sarazin, Gerhard Wanner, Robert Degli-Agosti, Hubert Greppin. Bioelectrical signals in Arabidopsis plant leaves generated by switching the light on or off. An international Tribute to Prof. H. Greppin: Flowering, Peroxidases and the Environment. Morzine (France).
Oral communications
2009 P. Favre, R. Degli Agosti. . Electric signalling in plants. 20th Ion Channel Meeting (FR, 20th-23rd september, 2009). Presqu'île de Giens. France.
2009 P. Favre, C. Feller, JP. Gabriel, A. Janka, C. Mazza, D. Reinhardt, L. Sticher. Plant growth regulation modeling. 18th swiss plant molecular and cell biology conference (CH, 21st-23rd January, 2009). Les Diablerets. Switzerland.
2008 Boumaza R, Guérin V, Demotes-Mainard S, Favre P, Galopin G, Gentilhomme J, Guéritaine G, Huché-Thélier L, Leduc N, Morel P, Sakr S, Travier S, Viémont J.D. Forme des végétaux d’ornement, variabilité et approche de modélisation. Journées du Groupe National Rose. 10-11 juin, Poitiers, p 7-8.
2008 Guérin V, Boumaza R, Andrieu B, Demotes-Mainard S, Favre P, Fournier C, Galopin G, Gentilhomme J, Guéritaine G, Huché-Thélier L, Leduc N, Morel P, Sakr S, Travier S, Viémont J.D. 2008. Vers un rosier virtuel en 3D a pour intégrer les interactions plante environnement-génotype dans la mise en place de l’architecture. Journées Plantes et Peuplements Virtuels. 27-28 mars Lyon, p 42-43.